Welcome to St Mark's

We are a worshipping, welcoming church in a beautiful area of north Sheffield. 

Rooted and growing in the love of God
Sharing Jesus
Serving people in Grenoside and beyond

Services and meetings


Tuesday 23rd 10:00am Messy Church Summer Special

Sunday 28th 10:00am Morning Worship with Communion


Friday 2nd 6:00pm Sew & Sow group in the lower meeting room

Saturday 3rd 8:30am Men's Breakfast in the church hall

Saturday 3rd 10:00am Flower Fairies - flower arranging, everyone welcome 

Sunday 4th 10:00am Together@10 service with breakfast served from 9:45am

Sunday 11th 10:00am Morning Worship

Sunday 18th 10:00am Morning Worship

Sunday 18th 3:00pm Holy Communion (Formal liturgy)

Sunday 25th 10:00am Morning Worship

Foodbank donations welcome any time that the church is open for services and other meetings.

The weekly Sunday service is at 10:00am. There is a mix of formal and informal worship and on the 1st Sunday of each month we normally serve breakfast from 9:45

Services following Book of Common Prayer or Evening Prayer liturgy are on 3rd Sundays at 15:00

Messy Church is normally 3rd Fridays at 15:15 for 15:30, check the service list for details or contact nicky.stmarks@gmail.com

Baby and Toddler groups for parents/carers and little ones aged 0-4 run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during term time. There is currently a waiting list but please contact Nicky to be added to this or to find out more. 

See the Baby and Toddler group page for more details 

This week's news sheet can be downloaded as a .pdf

For more information about activities for children and families, please contact Nicky Worrall 


Looking after God's world

See the latest update on the national Eco Church movement. Over 7,500 churches and church communities are registered now, and every small act of caring for creation is part of our worship and witness.  

See our Eco Church page for more information

Food banks

Church members have always been very generous in their contributions to local foodbanks. You can bring gifts of food and toiletries whenever the church is open for services and other events.  To find out the latest needs and news see the Foodbank page

Ministry team messages

Articles written for past issues of Grenoside News

March 2024 - Bereavement and loss

Men’s Breakfast

The next men's breakfast is on Saturday 5th July in the church hall, from 8.30 to 10.00. As before, as well as bacon butties, coffee and croissants etc, there will be plenty of chat and a short talk from someone's experience. All welcome, bring a friend. No charge. Contact stmarksgrenoside@gmail.com to book. 

Servante update

Chris and Katy Servanté serve with the Member Care team of WEC UK&I. Located in the UK, this team supports WEC missionaries internationally to reach the unreached from a place of wholeness, resilience & fruitfulness. For the latest newsletter from Chris and Katy see the St Mark's Worldwide page

Diocesan Vision Prayer

Living God,

Jesus calls his followers to seek first your Kingdom.

Renew us as we make your love known;

Release us to share freely together in mission;

and Rejuvenate us to be fruitful in your service.

Give us courage, wisdom and compassion,

that strengthened with the grace of the Holy Spirit,

we may, as the Diocese of Sheffield,

both flourish and grow through Christ our Lord



Although the life and ministry St Mark's is maintained mainly by volunteers there are a lot of running costs involved in serving the community in Grenoside. Services (including baptisms) are free and open to everyone. All our income comes from donations. If you would like to contribute to the church's work in this village and beyond please visit our Give a Little page. 

Prayer changes lives