St Mark's worldwide

St Mark's away from Grenoside

 Members of the St Mark's family spreading the word of God by their work further afield include the Servante family and Roger Hollingworth. 

Katy & Chris Servante

Katy and Chris work in Birmingham as part of the WEC UK team. WEC is an international mission agency involved in serving communities in every corner of the globe. Their latest newsletter home to Grenoside can be downloaded here

Roger Hollingworth

Roger lives for part of the year in Kenya where he has been instrumental in setting up a secondary school for the children in Londiani, where he teaches Science and IT. Roger also works in conjunction with the Saramek Trust, which was set up to sponsor disadvantaged children through secondary school in Kenya.

Roger's latest message, along with a series of photographs is reproduced on the newsletter which you can download below.