Open Time & Safe Haven
In need of time for yourself or time with others? Sad or lonely?
Open Time is just half an hour each month to remember, grieve, breathe, sit, cry, laugh, clear your thoughts. If you are bereaved, upset, sad or angry or lost come into church and just be. We can’t promise answers to life, the universe and everything – only God can provide those – but there will be someone to listen, time to sit in silence, time to think or time for prayer. No set pattern, just space to breathe. 9.30am on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Safe Haven Café follows Open Time, from 10am till 12 noon. It’s a time to relax, chat, share a few cups of tea and a cake. Anyone who feels in need of a bit of company is welcome, all ages. We will have a craft table, jigsaws, music, shared experience and stories. Come for the whole time or just part of it. Come alone or with friends.
Please note, Open Time and Safe Haven are run by volunteers and are not counselling services, just time for you to meet others and share your time and your story. If you are in need of professional or emergency help please follow the links below.
If you are in crisis or are struggling, please ring the Samaritans on 116 123 or text STEEL to 85258.
Both services are active 24/7, 365 days a year.