Baby and Toddler Groups at St Mark's
Welcome to the Baby and Toddler groups at St Mark's Church!
If you are a parent or carer of under fives then we would love to see you here at St Mark's at one of our midweek play and stay sessions. See below for more information on each of the groups.
Our Baby and Toddler Groups are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Send Nicky a message using the email address or number below to express your interest in one of the groups (or both!)
The team is always here if you would like a chat or have any prayer requests. Contact Nicky, our Children and Families Minister email
Tuesday Baby and Toddler Group: Birth to pre-school, Tuesdays in term time
This group meets in St Mark's Church on Tuesday mornings from 10-11.30am and is for parents and carers with children from birth to pre-school. We serve hot drinks , biscuits and toast but you might like to bring any other snacks and drinks that your child will need.
There is a quieter area set up with baby mats and toys for babies and then a range of floor, table top activities and crafts set out in the remaining area.
We end with a story and singing altogether.
£2 suggested donation per family
Thursday Baby and Toddler Group: Birth to pre-school, Thursdays in term time
This group meets in St Mark's Church on Thursday mornings from 10-11.30am and is for parents and carers with children from birth to pre-school.
We serve hot drinks , biscuits and toast but you might like to bring any other snacks and drinks that your child will need.
We offer a range of toys and activities for all ages and a weekly craft. There is a quieter area for pre mobile babies with baby mats and baby toys.
We end with story time and singing together.
£2 suggested donation per family
All groups are led by Nicky, our Children and Families Minister with a lovely team of leaders and volunteers from St Mark's Church. Our vision is to provide opportunities for parents and carers to meet others and for the children to have opportunities for play in a safe space. We are here to support you and you will find that all the team are there to chat, to listen and support.
If you have any questions then please contact Nicky on