
Welcome to Ignite Online!

Ignite is online at the moment  to help everyone to stay safe and healthy. 

For further information please contact Nicky; call or text 07796 217256 or email   smg.children@gmail.com 

Welcome to Ignite Online! 

18th April 2021 - Jesus here with us

For this Ignite Online you will need to gather some resources for the activities but everything else is here for you to follow through in order. 

Say together:

From the top of my head to the tips of my toes

From the lobes of my ears to the end of my nose

From my front to my back

To my wiggly fingers

God loves me!

This week we’re going to hear about Jesus appearing again to his disciples. 

If you have a Bible or a children’s Bible have a look and see if you can find the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus and read together. You can find this story in Luke 24:13-48

Which bit of this story did you like best?

Jesus was alive! The two disciples recognised him when he broke the bread and gave thanks. What a confusing time this must have been for them. They were so sad and upset that Jesus had died and then here he was! 

I wonder what different feelings you have had this week…or over the last year with the coronavirus pandemic? 

The two disciples rushed off to tell the others what had happened. Jesus appeared again but nobody recognised him straight away. Once the disciples realised Jesus was alive their sadness turned to joy and they began to understand everything he had been teaching them,

Jesus is alive but sometimes it can be hard to recognise that he is right here with us and can comfort us in our sadness. 

Join in with the activities to help you think more about this story. 

Let's sing and dance!

Thank you for joining us for Ignite Online. We’d love to see some of your creations and hear your comments so please share them with us. You can email me, Nicky, at smg.children@gmail.com or upload them as a comment on the kids@StMark’s Facebook page.